Black Wood Archery

Anniversary Bows

These unique pieces, designed, constructed and manufactured by Thomas Scholl himself, come from the new Black Diamond series*.

The anniversary bows set a highlight with their unique design.

In addition to the well-known, very decorative but also useful stipling,

the heads of real rattlesnakes adorn the Triple xXx, whose skin nestles along the surface of the limbs. The famous tail rattle has also been incorporated in a visually striking way.

The screws of the mounting quiver, with a newly designed bridge, are also decorated with real snakeskin.

These beautiful unique pieces actually belong in a showcase.

If you still want to shoot them, the snake heads can be easily removed.

The first two of a maximum of three specimens with 47 lbs or 52 lbs at an draw of 30 inches can be pulled really soft and supple with the usual quality and performance.

You can now admire two of maximum three of these unique masterpieces at our exhibition stands. For the first time at this weekend in Wels.

We look forward to your visit.

*The Black Diamond series impresses with its wonderfully crafted handles made of Black Diamond wood and the limbs completely covered with black carbon (90 or 45 degrees).
